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Ofsted and CQC SEND revisit to Stockport

From Tuesday 27 to Friday 30 September 2022, Inspectors from Ofsted and CQC carried out a revisit to the local area following the full SEND Inspection September 2018 and the issued Written Statement of Action (WSoA).

Inspectors' remit was to assess whether sufficient progress had been made in addressing the areas of significant weakness detailed in the WSoA. This was not a full SEND inspection.

Priority 1 - To develop an effective approach to jointly plan and commission the services that meet the needs of those who have SEND

Priority 2 - To assess and meet children and young people’s social care needs in conjunction with EHC needs assessments and plans

Priority 3 - To involve children and young people and their families in the meaningful, effective co-production of the services, resources and support they need

Priority 4 - To develop a shared understanding by local area leaders of the needs of these children and young people and their education, care and health outcomes

Priority 5 - To strengthen the assessment of the effectiveness of the local area in improving outcomes for children and young people

Thank you to everyone who has and continues to contribute to improvements. We are proud of what we have achieved together but we know there is more to do.

We have been informed that Ofsted / CQC plan to publish a letter 33 days after the inspection. At the same time we will also publish a copy on the Local Offer.