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Royal School for the Blind, Liverpool

We are a non-maintained special school for Multi-Disabled Visually Impaired pupils aged 3-19.  We offer day and residential places.  Capacity -  66 in school with residential provision for up to 20 pupils.  We offer day places, weekly boarders , respite places and an after school club for our pupils

The following questions have been developed by and may be of particular interest to children and young people


1.How will the school /college know if I need extra help?

Communication is the key between pupils, staff and parents

School will undertake close links with your parents or carers to see how we can provide the best help you may need in order to make the most of the learning opportunities we have to offer you.

We will listen to you and communicate with you in whatever format is best for you – verbal, on body signs, objects of reference.

Each pupil has learning targets and independent living skills targets and if you are struggling with any we will look at why this might be and see if we can give you more help or set better learning targets for you.


2. What should I do if I think I need extra help?

Speak/communicate in whatever way is best for you with any member of staff.

We have  teachers, teaching assistants, residential careworkers, speech therapist, physiotherapist and occupational therapist, nursing staff and mobility teachers who work together to provide everything that you need.


3. If I have difficulty taking part in school/college activities what different arrangements can be made for me?

We would want to know why you aren’t included.

It is very unusual for a pupil not to be able to take part in all activities. Staffing levels are in place to help each pupil have full access and we believe we have all the resources in place to enable you to play a full part in school life

Sometimes this means putting an extra person there to help.

If at anytime a pupil is not able to join a particular activity – maybe because they are not feeling well, they would be looked after by familiar staff and an appropriate alternative activity offered.


4. How will I participate in planning my targets?

Your targets are set by staff who get to know you really well and are reviewed at least three times throughout the year. Towards the end of each term we have a good idea about what you might think about these and we can adapt them if you wish.

There is an opportunity on your annual review form for you to let us know what you enjoy doing at school and what are your favourite people and activities.


5. How does the school/college know how well I’m doing?

By the progress you make and how happy and independent you are!

We are always looking to tell you how well you are doing in school. Each year, your teacher and everyone else involved in your learning, will write a detailed report to those people interested in your achievements, most importantly, your parents.

As a school community we celebrate achievement, however small, through our assemblies , special mentions certificates, and residential star achievements.

As we review your targets each term, we build up a Record of Achievement showing what you have achieved and photographs or other evidence to achieve it. This gives us a clear idea of the progress you are making and where we, as a school, might need to work a little harder to support you.


6. Who will help me to be more independent in school?

All the staff at school will be helping you achieve this – your classroom staff, residential key worker, physio staff, speech therapist, mobility staff and nursing staff. We will all be helping you understand your world and achieve to the best of your ability. Everything we do at school is aimed at developing your skills so that, step by step, you can do more and more things by yourself. We promise to provide challenging goals, give you time to achieve them, and offer you the best support you need.

You will be able to use the specialist equipment we have here to help you be as independent as possible.


7. Who will help me to be more independent in my community?

Sometimes you will need to learn outside in the local community. Often this means going out with your class or residential  group to explore facilities, sports facilities, to concerts or places useful for activities identified in your learning targets. We also have a “mobility” department who will help you on your own, or with a friend, make the most of activities in the local community that have been identified as being appropriate for you, or that you have expressed an interest in. It may  be you need to practice skills you use in school in a different environment to challenge you as you develop your independence skills.


8. How will my parents/carers be supported to encourage me to be more independent?

School always encourages parents or carers to support you in your learning and be part of the school community. Each day, anyone who works with you will make a short note of important things your parents need to know, in your home/school book. Your learning targets are always included in your Annual Review meeting. At anytime your parents or carers can phone school or call in if they need to chat about any aspect of your leaning or school life.

We will all work to help you be as happy and as independent as possible.


9. Who should I speak to if I’m worried about something?

School staff  and residential staff if you stay overnight with us will get to know you very well. If something is bothering you we will be able to tell in lots of different ways, even if you can’t tell us, as you will usually look or behave a little out of sorts. Your class/residential staff will begin to reassure you immediately and work hard to resolve anything you may be worried about. Some of your friends in school may also be on the School Council. They will also help if there is something bothering you.

If you wish to speak to someone out of school then you can speak to LADO, Childline, or our school’s designated person. We have names and contact numbers in many formats in the Head of Care’s office.


10. How do school/college staff get extra help from other experts?

We want to help you achieve the very best, that is why we have a wide range of experts working on site to support you. We have a medical room and nursing staff, a physiotherapy department with physiotherapists and occupational therapists. We have a speech  therapy department and also a mobility department. Sometimes you will work with these as part of your learning or we may ask their advice if you need it.

We will all work closely like a giant jigsaw for your happiness and well being.


11. What help is there to get me ready to start college?

As you grow through each stage of school life, we like to work with you to plan your next opportunities. Planning for life after school is no exception. At the moment we begin this a few years before you would be due to start college through a special transition process. Because each of our pupils is unique, each Transition will be too. We will make sure everyone involved with you at home, in school and at the College or placement you plan to move to, put together the smoothest of transitions from school. We are working hard to provide different opportunities for you to extend your learning beyond 19 at the Royal School for the Blind if you so wish, so that you can make the most of the next opportunities in life.

In residential life you may also have small jobs to such as putting washing away, setting table, washing dishes, which will all help you prepare for adult life.


12.What help is there to get me ready to start work?

Preparing for work underpins much of the work you will do in school. You will explore the world of work, and take part in mini-enterprise schemes. Supported work placements in school are possible where you could “Shadow” someone working in school. We also encourage opportunities to undertake supported work placements in the local community. Undertaking a role as part of our school community also prepares you for a role in the wider world.

You will be out and about exploring the local community with class and residential staff which will help you socially to become part of the wider community.

Who to contact

Contact Name
Susie Bradley
Contact Position
Head of School’s Secretary

Where to go

Royal School for the Blind, Liverpool
Church Road North
L15 6TQ

Other Details


Contact School for more details


Age Ranges
2 to 19yrs
Referral required
Referral Details

Referral to come through Local Authority.

Local Offer

Local Offer Age Bands
Primary (5-11 years)
Secondary (11-16 years)
Needs Level
SEN Provision Type