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Education Consultancy & Mediation: Disagreement Resolution Service

The Disagreement Resolution Service provides access to independent disagreement resolution for parents/carers of children and young people with Special Educational Needs, Local Authorities and Schools.

What is the Special Educational Needs Disagreement Resolution Service?  The aim of the service is to assist parents, carers, Local Authorities and schools to resolve disputes about Special Educational Needs provision through informal meetings and discussions.  Your Local Authority Education Officer, Parent Partnership Service and school will also know about the service.  Agreements reached at disagreement resolution meetings are not legally binding and the service does not replace the SEN tribunal or formal arbitration.

About the Disagreement Resolution meeting.  An independent, specially trained facilitator will manage the meeting in a safe and neutral environment.  The facilitator is impartial and has no vested interest in the outcome of the disagreement.  Attendance at the disagreement resolution meeting is voluntary.  The Facilitator will explain how the disagreement resolution process works and what can be expected from it.  The facilitator will support those involved as they work towards reaching an agreement, offering clarification and guidance.

Stages in the Disagreement Resolution Process

  • Enquiries to the service are welcomed from anyone at any time.
  • A referral to the service will be made by a named off icier in the local Education Authority.
  • The service will contact those involved with advice on what needs to be done next.
  • Those involved will be invited to a meeting at a convenient time and a neutral venue.
  • Those involved in the meeting will have the opportunity to explain their view of the disagreement and agree an agenda.
  • The issues will be clarified and options can be explored to try to resolve the disagreement.
  • Ideally an agreement will be made and the service will put this in writing for those involved.

Who to contact

Contact Name
Mel Blackburn

Other Details